Number 17 (2019)
Special Issue: The Politics of Knowledge
Visiting editors:
Samuli Hurri &
Iiris Kestilä
Samuli Hurri &
Iiris Kestilä
The Politics of Knowledge: Introduction
‘Ensnare the Language’: Imagination and Resilience in Indigenous Arts of the Self
Enhancing Resilience Through Indigenous Traditional Knowledge in Ecological Restoration
Justice as a Matter of Thinking. A Phenomenological Approach
Towards a New Ethics of Sexual Self-determination: Finnish Rape Law through the Speculum of Feminist Philosophy
Dao: Cosmological Thinking and Social Practice
Cosmology and Practices of the European Union
Governing the Rural Family in Australia from a Distance: The Family Provision Act and the Role of ‘Expert Knowledges’
The ‘Financial Stability of the Euro Area as a Whole’: Between Jurisdiction and Veridiction
Embodied and Embedded Vulnerable Subject: Asylum Seekers and Vulnerability Theory
Number 10 (2013)
Special Issue.
Judging Democracy, Democratic Judgment
Julen Etxabe &
Mónica López Lerma
Julen Etxabe &
Mónica López Lerma
Judging Democracy in the 21st Century: Crisis or Transformation?
Political Judgment for an Agonistic Democracy
Neoliberal Politics of the ‘Market’
The Politics of Public Things: Neoliberalism and the Routine of Privatization
The Democracy in Courts: Jeremy Bentham, 'Publicity', and the Privatization of Process in the Twenty-First Century
‘The Greatest Enemy of Authority’—Arendt, Honig and the Authority of Post-Apartheid Jurisprudence
Desmond Manderson: Kangaroo Courts and the Rule of Law. The Legacy of Modernism. Routledge, Abingdon 2012.
François Ost: Shakespeare. La Comédie de la Loi. Michalon, Paris 2012.
Number 9 (2012)
Relaunch Special Issue.
Law’s Justice. A Law & Humanities Perspective
Julen Etxabe &
Mónica López Lerma
Julen Etxabe &
Mónica López Lerma
Justice in Tension: An Expression of Law and the Legal Mind
Configuring Justice
To Avenge, to Forgive or to Judge? Literary Variations
Speaking of the Imperfect: Law, Language and Justice
Justice and the Colonial Collision: Reflections on Stories of Intercultural Encounter in Law, Literature, Sculpture and Film
The Heart of Law
Having Gods, Being Greek and Getting Better: On Equity and Integrity Concerning Property an Other Posited Laws
The Ethics of Testimony: Trauma, Body and Justice in Sarah Kofman's Autobiography
Number 5 (2008)
For Kaarlo Tuori on His Sixtieth Birthday
Editor-in-Chief Samuli Hurri
Guest editor Liisa Holopainen
Guest editor Liisa Holopainen